在现代人工智能和机器学习应用中,嵌入模型(Embedding Model)扮演着至关重要的角色。嵌入模型能够将高维度的数据(如文本、图像等)转换为低维度的向量表示,从而使得这些数据能够在机器学习模型中被有效地处理和利用。Spring AI作为一个强大的AI框架,提供了对嵌入模型的全面支持。本文将深入探讨Spring AI中的嵌入模型,并通过代码示例展示如何使用它们。
Spring AI中的嵌入模型
Spring AI提供了多种嵌入模型的实现,包括预训练模型和自定义模型。这些模型可以用于各种任务,如文本分类、情感分析、图像识别等。Spring AI的嵌入模型接口设计得非常灵活,使得开发者可以轻松地集成和使用这些模型。
在Spring AI中,EmbeddingModel 是一个核心接口,用于表示嵌入模型。它定义了如何将输入数据(如文本)转换为嵌入向量。以下是 EmbeddingModel 接口的主要方法:
public interface EmbeddingModel extends Model<EmbeddingRequest, EmbeddingResponse> {@OverrideEmbeddingResponse call(EmbeddingRequest request);/*** Embeds the given text into a vector.* @param text the text to embed.* @return the embedded vector.*/default float[] embed(String text) {Assert.notNull(text, "Text must not be null");List<float[]> response = this.embed(List.of(text));return response.iterator().next();}/*** Embeds the given document's content into a vector.* @param document the document to embed.* @return the embedded vector.*/float[] embed(Document document);/*** Embeds a batch of texts into vectors.* @param texts list of texts to embed.* @return list of embedded vectors.*/default List<float[]> embed(List<String> texts) {Assert.notNull(texts, "Texts must not be null");return this.call(new EmbeddingRequest(texts, EmbeddingOptionsBuilder.builder().build())).getResults().stream().map(Embedding::getOutput).toList();}/*** Embeds a batch of {@link Document}s into vectors based on a* {@link BatchingStrategy}.* @param documents list of {@link Document}s.* @param options {@link EmbeddingOptions}.* @param batchingStrategy {@link BatchingStrategy}.* @return a list of float[] that represents the vectors for the incoming* {@link Document}s. The returned list is expected to be in the same order of the* {@link Document} list.*/default List<float[]> embed(List<Document> documents, EmbeddingOptions options, BatchingStrategy batchingStrategy) {Assert.notNull(documents, "Documents must not be null");List<float[]> embeddings = new ArrayList<>(documents.size());List<List<Document>> batch = batchingStrategy.batch(documents);for (List<Document> subBatch : batch) {List<String> texts = subBatch.stream().map(Document::getText).toList();EmbeddingRequest request = new EmbeddingRequest(texts, options);EmbeddingResponse response = this.call(request);for (int i = 0; i < subBatch.size(); i++) {embeddings.add(response.getResults().get(i).getOutput());}}Assert.isTrue(embeddings.size() == documents.size(),"Embeddings must have the same number as that of the documents");return embeddings;}/*** Embeds a batch of texts into vectors and returns the {@link EmbeddingResponse}.* @param texts list of texts to embed.* @return the embedding response.*/default EmbeddingResponse embedForResponse(List<String> texts) {Assert.notNull(texts, "Texts must not be null");return this.call(new EmbeddingRequest(texts, EmbeddingOptionsBuilder.builder().build()));}/*** Get the number of dimensions of the embedded vectors. Note that by default, this* method will call the remote Embedding endpoint to get the dimensions of the* embedded vectors. If the dimensions are known ahead of time, it is recommended to* override this method.* @return the number of dimensions of the embedded vectors.*/default int dimensions() {return embed("Test String").length;}}
2. EmbeddingRequest 和 EmbeddingResponse
和 EmbeddingResponse
EmbeddingRequest: 包含一个或多个输入文本,用于生成嵌入向量。
EmbeddingResponse: 包含生成的嵌入向量。
public class EmbeddingRequest implements ModelRequest<List<String>> {private final List<String> inputs;private final EmbeddingOptions options;...
public class EmbeddingResponse implements ModelResponse<Embedding> {/*** Embedding data.*/private final List<Embedding> embeddings;/*** Embedding metadata.*/private final EmbeddingResponseMetadata metadata;...}
3. Embedding 类
public class Embedding implements ModelResult<float[]> {private float[] embedding;private Integer index;private EmbeddingResultMetadata metadata;...
使用阿里的 EmbeddingModel 进行演示
我们在之前的例子中已经引入了阿里的服务,我们可以通过实现 EmbeddingModel 接口来集成这个服务。以下是一个示例:
public class EmbeddingController {// 阿里嵌入模型private final EmbeddingModel embeddingModel;/*** 将句子向量化* @param prompt 用户提问* @return 向量值*/@GetMapping("embed")public List<float[]> embed(@RequestParam String prompt) {// 文本嵌入float[] embed = embeddingModel.embed(prompt);return Arrays.asList(embed);}