My Junior Chinese Guide,A Spakling Tide

news/2025/3/17 13:07:19/文章来源:

My Junior Chinese Guide, A Sparkling Tide.
Have you ever encountered a person, like a sparking tide ,gentle and steadfast,stirring up the ripples in your heart ? That’s exactly how my Chinese teacher in junior high school makes me feel ,who shaped my sound outlook on life .
The instant I recall her, scene after scene,where she wore a beaming smile to convey a positive attitude and seriously emphasized the significance of self-motivation, with eyes brimming with anticipation,flashed across my mind like an old newsreel. But what impressed me most was that day of upcoming departure ,when she slowly recounted schooling journey which is full of thorns and hardship in a gentle tone.
Confronted with her futher’s premature death and undeveloped conditions in the rural area, she had to make money by herself to support the tuition fees. She recalled,“Driven by the pursuit of entering university, I managed to secure a job as a cleaner in the cafeteria. Out of my expectation, what I had to overcome most wasn’t the harsh and hot conditions ,but the shyness and pride that made me fear being known and talked about. Clenched my teeth, I persevered, despite my clothes soaked with sweat and my face flushed.” As she said this, soft and gentle breeze blew, lifting the ends of her hair, as if praising her determination .
Just as Bi Shumin said,”I don’t believe in the lines on my palms ,but I believe in the power of my palms along with my finger.” She perfectly illustrated this truth and planted the seed of unwavering belief that I must seize my own destiny and strive hard for brighter future.
The bell rang, signaling the end of class ,and it’s time for us to depart away. Perhaps from that moment on, we would permanently leave each other. Yet, in another sense, her influence rooted in my heart,as if she has nevery really left.




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