AI可解释性 I | 对抗样本(Adversarial Sample)论文导读(持续更新)
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Intriguing properties of neural networks(Dec 2013)
作者:Christian Szegedy
Intriguing properties of neural networks 乃是对抗攻击的开山之作,首次发现并将对抗样本命名为Adversarial Sample,首先发现了神经网络存在的两个性质:
there is no distinction between individual high level units and random linear combinations of high level units, ..., it is the space, rather than the individual units, that contains of the semantic information in the high layers of neural networks.
神经网络的输入-输出之间的映射很大程度是不连续的,可以通过对样本施加难以觉察的噪声扰动(perturbation)最大化网络预测误差以使得网络错误分类,并且可以证明这种扰动并不是一种随机的学习走样(random artifact of learning),可以应用在不同数据集训练的不同结构的神经网络
we find that deep neural networks learn input-output mappings that are fairly discontinuous to a significant extend. Specifically, we find that we can cause the network to misclassify an image by applying a certain imperceptible perturbation, which is found by maximizing the network's prediction error. In addition, the specific nature of these perturbations is not a random artifact of learning: the same perturbation can cause a different network, that was trained on a different subset of the dataset, to misclassify the same input.
文章通过实验证明,某个神经元的方向(natural basis direction)和随机挑选一个方向(random basis)再和整个层级的激活值作余弦相似度之后的结果完全不可区分。
This suggest that the natural basis is not better than a random basis in for inspecting the properties of \(\phi(x)\). Moreover, it puts into question the notion that neural networks disentangle variation factors across coordinates.
神经网络的盲点(Blind Spots in Neural Networks)
观点认为神经网络的多层非线性叠加的目的就是为了使得模型对样本空间进行非局部泛化先验(non-local generalization prior)的编码,换句话说,输出可能会对其周围没有训练样本的输入空间邻域分配不显著(推测约为非\(\epsilon\))的概率(对抗攻击可以发生的假设)。这样做的好处在于,不同视角的同一张图片可能在像素空间产生变化,但是经过非局部泛化先验编码使得在概率上的输出是不变的。
In other words, it is possible for the output unit to assign non-significant (and, presumably, non-epsilon) probabilities to regions of the input space that contain no training examples in their vicinity.
And that in particular, for a small enough radius " in the vicinity of a given training input x, an x " which satisfies ||x x " || < " will get assigned a high probability of the correct class by the model.
接下来,作者将通过实验证明这种平滑性假设在很多的核方法(kernel method)上都是不成立的,可以通过一种高效的优化算法完成(即对抗攻击),这种优化过程在于遍历从网络形成的流形上以寻找“对抗样本”。这些样本在网络的高维流形上被认为是低概率出现的局部“口袋“。
In some sense, what we describe is a way to traverse the manifold represented by the network in an efficient way (by optimization) and finding adversarial examples in the input space.
给定一个分类器\(f:\mathbb{R}^m\rightarrow \{1\dots k\}\)以及一个连续的损失函数\(\mathbb{R}^m\times\{1\dots k\} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^+\),输入图像\(x\in\mathbb{R}^m\)和目标类别${1\dots k} $以解开下面如下的箱约束(box-constrained)问题:
- 最小化\(||r||_2\)并保证:
- \(f(x+r)=l\)
- \(x+r\in[0,1]^m\)(确保是RGB范围)
这个问题只要\(f(x)\neq l\)就是一个非平凡的难解问题,因此我们通过box-constrained L-BFGS算法去优化近似求解。问题可以如下表示:通过线搜索找到一个最小的\(c\),以最小化\(r\)
- 最小化\(c|r|+\text{loss}_f(x+r,l)\quad s.t.\quad x+r\in[0,1]^m\)
In general, the exact computation of D(x, l) is a hard problem, so we approximate it by using a box-constrained L-BFGS. Concretely, we find an approximation of D(x, l) by performing line-search to find the minimum c > 0 for which the minimizer r of the following problem satisfies f (x + r) = l.
- 对于文章研究的所有网络(包括MNIST、QuocNet、AlexNet),针对每个样本,始终能够生成与原始样本极其相似、视觉上无法区分的对抗样本,且这些样本均被原网络误分类。
- 跨模型的泛化性:当使用不同超参数(如层数、正则化项或初始权重)从头训练网络时,仍有相当比例的对抗样本会被误分类。
- 跨训练集的泛化性:在完全不同的训练集上从头训练的网络,同样会误分类相当数量的对抗样本。
- For all the networks we studied (MNIST, QuocNet [10], AlexNet [9]), for each sample, we always manage to generate very close, visually indistinguishable, adversarial examples that are misclassified by the original network (see figure 5 for examples).
- Cross model generalization: a relatively large fraction of examples will be misclassified by networks trained from scratch with different hyper-parameters (number of layers, regularization or initial weights).
- Cross training-set generalization a relatively large fraction of examples will be misclassified by networks trained from scratch trained on a disjoint training set.
A subtle, but essential detail is that adversarial examples are generated for each layer output and are used to train all the layers above. Adversarial examples for the higher layers seem to be more useful than those on the input or lower layers.
Still, this experiment leaves open the question of dependence over the training set. Does the hardness of the generated examples rely solely on the particular choice of our training set as a sample or does this effect generalize even to models trained on completely different training sets?
给定多个集合对\((x_i,n_i)\),使得\(||n_i||<\delta\)但\(||\phi(x_i;W)-\phi(x_i+n_i;W)||\ge M \ge 0\),其中\(\delta\)是一个非常小的值,\(W\)是一个一般的可训练参数。那么这个不稳定的扰动\(n_i\)取决于网络结构\(\phi\)而非特定训练的参数\(W\)
Uzuki评论:这个结论就不得不提对抗训练(Adversarial training)了,因为对抗训练不改变网络结构但是改变了训练集的结构以生成不同的训练参数,提高模型对对抗样本的防护能力,因此对抗训练应该是证明了某个特定的对抗样本生成算法本身总不是最优的