


1.Deciding on topic  --AMI 

2.Writing a working title

3.Literacy Skills--Avoiding plagiarism

4.Literacy Skills--citation and referring skills

5.Literacy Skills--quoting

6.Literacy Skills--summarizing 


1.Academic Writing -searching for sources

2.Academic Writing -Evaluating various sources

3.Academic Writing -Abstract

4.Literacy Skills-Paraphrasing


1.   Critical thinking-assumptions and conclusions

2.Academic Writing-Understanding a literature review

3.Academic Writing-Using appropriate tenses in literature review

4.Literacy Skills-Synthesizing


1.Academic Writing -Writing a methods section

2.Academic Writing -Writing a result section

3.Literacy Skills-Writing in a formal style P172

4.Literacy Skills-the use of passive voice


1.Academic Writing-Writing a discussion section

2.Literacy Skills-Using hedging language


1.Deciding on topic  --AMI 


(2)Important-social and academic


拒绝too general and specialized

2.Writing a working title

Three types of key words

  1. method words:like study,analysis,contrast,discussion which tell the readers the research task.
  2. Content words:tell the reader what the topic is,such as health risk,smokers
  3. Limiting words:like causes,effect,advantages-limit the size of the topic

Titles tend to use phrases instead of sentences

Method words could be omitted for conciseness

Such as”a study of~~”

3.Literacy Skills--Avoiding plagiarism

 Plagiarism is theft,referring the use of others’ finding ,arguments,data and words without appropriate citation or referencing  a published or unpublished sources.


4.Literacy Skills--citation and referring skills

Three citation methods

  1. paraphrasing :rewriting 
  2. Quoting :copying 
  3. Summarizing:using the important ideas

referencing skills

  1. in-text referencing:a brief parenthetical acknowledge .


Footnotes or end notes :humanities and social sciences

Name-year system:natural scientist



5.Literacy Skills--quoting

(1)Author-focused :quoting places emphasis on the author’s name--authority

Uses the author’s name at the beginning of the quote 

(2)Information-focused:focus on the information cited 

Put the reference at the end of the quote 


6.Literacy Skills--summarizing 

Restates the main points of the original source in your own words

Two types:global   specific

Some rules of summarizing

  1. Focus
  2. Paraphrasing :一行不超过四个词来自原文
  3. Language


1.Academic Writing -searching for sources

Sources :information which you take from books,journal,articles,reports,government,document,conference proceedings

Two types:

(1)primary sources/original sources:document/reports/recording

First-hand surveys,experiments

(2)secondary sources:textbooks.literature reviews

2.Academic Writing -Evaluating various sources

Three rules-- TBE 

  1. Time Rule:the latest
  2. Bias(偏见) Rule: the unbiased 
  3. Expert Rule:the authorities  

3.Academic Writing -Abstract

It is composed after your research is finished and placed.

Two types:

  1. paper abstract
  2. Conference abstract

The format of abstract vary from discipline to discipline and from journal to journal,

A typical may provide:

  1. background of the study 
  2. Research objectives
  3. Methods employed
  4. Important findings or results obtained
  5. Conclusions drawn

4.Literacy Skills-Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing:a restatement ,using your own words

When paraphrasing,need to change the words,words form and grammatical structures


  1. a sequence of three words will not be the same as the original
  2. Do not change the idea
  3. Do not add new idea

Paraphrasing and summarizing :

Paraphrasing is about the same length as the original source通过改变用法和结构

Summarizing contains its main ideas,leaving out details


1.   Critical thinking-assumptions and conclusions

Assumptions differ from premises(前提 in that the latter are explici(显性的明确的t while the former are left implicit(含蓄的.


Assumptions    premise     conclusion

2.Academic Writing-Understanding a literature review

a literature review:a overview of the current state of research ,compare various previous studies,reveals controversies,weakness,gaps

Two types literature review

  1. a self-contained literature review:report the previous studies ,does not present new information,summarizes multiple previous studies
  2. A part of a research paper:find their weakness or limitations,is often incorporated into the introduction section.

3.Academic Writing-Using appropriate tenses in literature review

The simple past tense is often used in literature review to refer to the findings fo previous studies,

Sometimes,the present perfect tense the simple present tense is better.

4.Literacy Skills-Synthesizing


1.Academic Writing -Writing a methods section

1*methods section provides the technical details of how study is conducted or how data are collected to answer a research question or test a hypothesis.

 The types of data collection

  1. by experiment
  2. By survey
  3. By interview

2*methods section severs as a”how-to”manual 

Three subsection :




2.Academic Writing -Writing a result section

a result section:a real meat of article 

  1. report the data from experiment
  2. Highlights key findings from the data
  3. Round figures and make comparisons 

3.Literacy Skills-Writing in a formal style P172

4.Literacy Skills-the use of passive voice

 passive voice is more frequently used when

  1. the action and result,rather than the agent are emphasized
  2. First-person pronoun need to be avoided


1.Academic Writing-Writing a discussion section

It should 

  1. restate the major finding
  2. Compare your results with previous studies
  3. Explain your findings
  4. Discuss the implications

P 203重点复习

2.Literacy Skills-Using hedging language




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