ArduPilot开源代码之Companion Computers简单分析

ArduPilot开源代码之Companion Computers简单分析

  • 1. 源由
  • 2. 伴机系统
    • 2.1 APSync
    • 2.2 DroneKit
    • 2.3 FlytOS
    • 2.4 Maverick
    • 2.5 ROS
    • 2.6 Rpanion-server
  • 3. 总结
  • 4. 参考资料

1. 源由



  1. 【操控性】手动
  2. 【稳定性】自动导航
  3. 【安全性】异常场景
  4. 【普及性】社区受众群体广泛


在入手companion computer之前,就Ardupilot生态圈内部提供的几个伴机方案进行研习和分析。



2. 伴机系统

  • APSync
  • DroneKit
  • FlytOS
  • Maverick
  • ROS
  • Rpanion-server

注:这里仅根据companion computer提供的信息进行简单分析。

2.1 APSync


  • WiFi电传
  1. WiFi Access Point
  2. UDP Telemetry (port:14550)
  3. Log Download Script


  • WEB配置
  1. View and modify parameters
  2. View sensor information and trigger some calibrations
  3. Modify the Wifi access point name and password
  4. View and download log files if they are stored on the companion computer

在这里插入图片描述- 视频传输

video stream



2.2 DroneKit



  1. Connect to a vehicle (or multiple vehicles) from a script
  2. Get and set vehicle state/telemetry and parameter information.
  3. Receive asynchronous notification of state changes.
  4. Guide a UAV to specified position (GUIDED mode).
  5. Send arbitrary custom messages to control UAV movement and other hardware (GUIDED mode).
  6. Create and manage waypoint missions (AUTO mode).
  7. Override RC channel settings.

2.3 FlytOS





2.4 Maverick

【1】 Maverick介绍


  1. Downloadable, ready to flash, ready to fly images for Raspberry Pi (all models), NVidia Tegra TX1/TX2, Up (Up, Squared, Core), Odroid XU4, Intel Joule
  2. Downloadable VM image for developers in OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) and Parallels formats, should run in VirtualBox, VMware, Parallels etc
  3. Permissive MIT licensing, absolute minimum restrictions on opensource or commercial usage
  4. Ability to bootstrap from any donor/vendor OS (only Debian/Ubuntu based OS supported so far, but possible to support any base OS) and create custom images
  5. Single ‘maverick’ command provides system/network info, self updating, system configuration, service control
  6. Self-contained, consistent software environments and versions across different platforms
  7. Automatic detection and configuration of platform hardware and peripherals
  8. Easy modular network configuration including managed wireless, monitor/injection, Host Access Point, Avahi, Dnsmasq, DHCP client/server, wifibroadcast
  9. Built-in security, firewall, antivirus, scanners
  10. Selective, modular Mavlink proxy, Dronekit and MAVROS configuration, supports MAVProxy, mavlink-router, cmavnode
  11. Rich web-based IDE (Integrated Development Environment) - Cloud9
  12. Full SITL environment with separate mavlink proxy, dronekit and MAVROS instances
  13. Extensive consistent software components installed on all platforms - ROS Kinetic/Lunar, ROS2, Tensorflow 1.3, OpenCV 3.4, Gstreamer 1.12.4, FPV video (visiond, camera-streaming-daemon), Orb_slam2, RTABMAP, Aruco
  14. ArduPllot development environment, compiled ArduPilot for SITL, everything necessary setup to compile and upload to Flight Controllers direct from companion computer
  15. PX4 development environment, compiled PX4 for SITL, everything necessary setup to compile and upload to Flight Controllers direct from companion computer
  16. Vision functions - automatic detection and configuration of attached digital cameras for FPV (visiond), Precision Landing with vision_landing, experimental collision avoidance with RealSense depth cameras, Thermal Image streaming with Seek Thermal and Flir One devices, experimental SLAM components ORB_SLAM2 and RTABMAP


注:最近一次更新Nov 12, 2021,感觉有点缺少维护了。

2.5 ROS


ROS(Robot Operating System)是机器人操作系统。因为SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)/Vision等传感器和空间定位技术的应用,随着MAVROS组件的发展,现在这块非常热门。


2.6 Rpanion-server


  1. Flight Controller telemetry routing to udp outputs
  2. Video Streaming via an RTSP server
  3. Network configuration
  4. NTRIP Streaming
  5. Logging (tlog and bin logs)


3. 总结


  • 不考虑商业软件(学习研究角度)
  • 从不同的维度考虑
  1. 应用角度:SLAM/Vision/SensorFusion
  2. 飞控技术:MAVLink API
  3. 仿真角度:SITL in Gazebo

4. 参考资料





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