MIT 6.5840(6.824) Lab1:MapReduce 设计实现

1 介绍

本次实验是实现一个简易版本的MapReduce,你需要实现一个工作程序(worker process)和一个调度程序(coordinator process)。工作程序用来调用Map和Reduce函数,并处理文件的读取和写入。调度程序用来协调工作任务并处理失败的任务。你将构建出跟 MapReduce论文 里描述的类似的东西。(注意:本实验中用"coordinator"替代里论文中的"master"。)


  • 阅读MapReduce论文

  • 阅读lab文档

  • 理解MapReduce框架

  • 理解原框架代码,理清所需完成任务


  • Complete the basic requirements for MapReduce
  • Handling worker failures
  • No data competition, a big lock ensures safety
  • Pass lab test
  • Communicate over TCP/IP and read/write files using a shared file system

2 原框架解析

  • src/mrapps/wc.go

    这是一个用于 MapReduce 的字数统计(Word Count)插件。该插件包含 Map 和 Reduce 函数,用于统计输入文本中的单词频率。

    func Map(filename string, contents string) []mr.KeyValue {// function to detect word separators.ff := func(r rune) bool { return !unicode.IsLetter(r) }// split contents into an array of words.words := strings.FieldsFunc(contents, ff)kva := []mr.KeyValue{}for _, w := range words {kv := mr.KeyValue{w, "1"}kva = append(kva, kv)}return kva
    }func Reduce(key string, values []string) string {// return the number of occurrences of this word.return strconv.Itoa(len(values))
  • src/main/mrcoordinator.go

    mrcoordinator.go 定义了调度器(Coordinator)的主要逻辑。调度器通过 MakeCoordinator 启动一个 Coordinator 实例 c,并在 c.server() 中通过协程 go http.Serve(l, nil) 启动一个 HTTP 服务器来接收和处理 RPC 调用。

    func (c *Coordinator) server() {rpc.Register(c)rpc.HandleHTTP()//l, e := net.Listen("tcp", ":1234")sockname := coordinatorSock()os.Remove(sockname)l, e := net.Listen("unix", sockname)if e != nil {log.Fatal("listen error:", e)}go http.Serve(l, nil)
    }func MakeCoordinator(files []string, nReduce int) *Coordinator {c := Coordinator{}c.server()return &c

    注意:在 Go 的 net/http 包中,使用 http.Serve(l, nil) 启动 HTTP 服务器时,服务器会为每个传入的请求自动启动一个新的协程。这意味着每个 RPC 调用都是在独立的协程中处理的,从而允许并发处理多个请求。因此,在设计时可能需要使用锁等同步原语来保护共享资源。此外,Coordinator 不会主动与 Worker 通信(除非额外实现),只能通过 Worker 的 RPC 通信来完成任务。同时,当所有任务完成时,Done 方法将返回 false,从而关闭 Coordinator。

  • src/main/mrworker.go

    mrworker.go 通过 Worker 函数运行。因此,Worker 函数需要完成请求任务、执行任务、报告任务状态等多个任务。可以推测,Worker 需要在这个函数中不断地轮询 Coordinator,并根据 Coordinator 的不同回复来驱动当前 Worker 完成各种任务。

  • src/main/mrsequential.go

    mrsequential.go 实现了一个简单的顺序 MapReduce 应用程序。该程序读取输入文件,执行 Map 和 Reduce 操作,并将结果写入输出文件。


3 设计实现

3.1 任务分析


其中,在此实验中Map任务数量就是输入文件数量,每个Map Task的任务就是处理一个.txt文件;Reduce任务的数量是nReduce









3.2 RPC

通信时首先需要确定这个消息是什么类型, 通过前述分析可知:

  • 对于Worker发送消息,Worker需要跟Coordinator报告MapReduce任务的执行情况(成功或失败)

    type TaskCompletedStatus int
    const (MapTaskCompleted = iotaMapTaskFailedReduceTaskCompletedReduceTaskFailed
  • 对于Coordinator回复消息,Coordinator需要分配ReduceMap任务,告知任务的类型,或者告知Worker休眠(暂时没有任务需要执行)、Worker退出(所有任务执行成功)

    type TaskType int
    const (MapTask = iotaReduceTaskWaitExit


type MessageSend struct {TaskID              int                 // task idTaskCompletedStatus TaskCompletedStatus // task completed status


type MessageReply struct {TaskID   int      // task idTaskType TaskType // task type, map or reduce or wait or exitTaskFile string   // task file nameNReduce  int      // reduce number, indicate the number of reduce tasksNMap     int      // map number, indicate the number of map tasks


对于通信,原框架已提供Unix套接字通信,如果有想法,我们可以将 RPC 设置为通过 TCP/IP 而不是 Unix 套接字进行通信(请参阅 Coordinator.server() 中注释掉的行),并使用共享文件系统读/写文件。

3.2 Coordinator

3.2.1 结构


type TaskStatus int
const (Unassigned = iotaAssignedCompletedFailed


type TaskInfo struct {TaskStatus TaskStatus // task statusTaskFile   string     // task fileTimeStamp  time.Time  // time stamp, indicating the running time of the task


type Coordinator struct {NMap                   int        // number of map tasksNReduce                int        // number of reduce tasksMapTasks               []TaskInfo // map taskReduceTasks            []TaskInfo // reduce taskAllMapTaskCompleted    bool       // whether all map tasks have been completedAllReduceTaskCompleted bool       // whether all reduce tasks have been completedMutex                  sync.Mutex // mutex, used to protect the shared data
3.2.2 初始化


func (c *Coordinator) InitTask(file []string) {for idx := range file {c.MapTasks[idx] = TaskInfo{TaskFile:   file[idx],TaskStatus: Unassigned,TimeStamp:  time.Now(),}}for idx := range c.ReduceTasks {c.ReduceTasks[idx] = TaskInfo{TaskStatus: Unassigned,}}
func MakeCoordinator(files []string, nReduce int) *Coordinator {c := Coordinator{NReduce:                nReduce,NMap:                   len(files),MapTasks:               make([]TaskInfo, len(files)),ReduceTasks:            make([]TaskInfo, nReduce),AllMapTaskCompleted:    false,AllReduceTaskCompleted: false,Mutex:                  sync.Mutex{},}c.InitTask(files)c.server()return &c
3.2.3 RequestTask函数


  1. 如果有未分配的任务、之前执行失败、已分配但已经超时(10s)的Map任务,则选择这个任务进行分配;
  2. 如果以上的Map任务均不存在,但Map又没有全部执行完成,告知Worker先等待;
  3. Map任务全部执行完成的情况下,按照12相同的逻辑进行Reduce任务的分配;
  4. 所有的任务都执行完成了, 告知Worker退出。


func (c *Coordinator) RequestTask(args *MessageSend, reply *MessageReply) error {// lockc.Mutex.Lock()defer c.Mutex.Unlock()// assign map taskif !c.AllMapTaskCompleted {// count the number of completed map tasksNMapTaskCompleted := 0for idx, taskInfo := range c.MapTasks {if taskInfo.TaskStatus == Unassigned || taskInfo.TaskStatus == Failed ||(taskInfo.TaskStatus == Assigned && time.Since(taskInfo.TimeStamp) > 10*time.Second) {reply.TaskFile = taskInfo.TaskFilereply.TaskID = idxreply.TaskType = MapTaskreply.NReduce = c.NReducereply.NMap = c.NMapc.MapTasks[idx].TaskStatus = Assigned  // mark the task as assignedc.MapTasks[idx].TimeStamp = time.Now() // update the time stampreturn nil} else if taskInfo.TaskStatus == Completed {NMapTaskCompleted++}}// check if all map tasks have been completedif NMapTaskCompleted == len(c.MapTasks) {c.AllMapTaskCompleted = true} else {reply.TaskType = Waitreturn nil}}// assign reduce taskif !c.AllReduceTaskCompleted {// count the number of completed reduce tasksNReduceTaskCompleted := 0for idx, taskInfo := range c.ReduceTasks {if taskInfo.TaskStatus == Unassigned || taskInfo.TaskStatus == Failed ||(taskInfo.TaskStatus == Assigned && time.Since(taskInfo.TimeStamp) > 10*time.Second) {reply.TaskID = idxreply.TaskType = ReduceTaskreply.NReduce = c.NReducereply.NMap = c.NMapc.ReduceTasks[idx].TaskStatus = Assigned  // mark the task as assignedc.ReduceTasks[idx].TimeStamp = time.Now() // update the time stampreturn nil} else if taskInfo.TaskStatus == Completed {NReduceTaskCompleted++}}// check if all reduce tasks have been completedif NReduceTaskCompleted == len(c.ReduceTasks) {c.AllReduceTaskCompleted = true} else {reply.TaskType = Waitreturn nil}}// all tasks have been completedreply.TaskType = Exitreturn nil
3.2.4 ReportTask函数


func (c *Coordinator) ReportTask(args *MessageSend, reply *MessageReply) error {c.Mutex.Lock()defer c.Mutex.Unlock()if args.TaskCompletedStatus == MapTaskCompleted {c.MapTasks[args.TaskID].TaskStatus = Completedreturn nil} else if args.TaskCompletedStatus == MapTaskFailed {c.MapTasks[args.TaskID].TaskStatus = Failedreturn nil} else if args.TaskCompletedStatus == ReduceTaskCompleted {c.ReduceTasks[args.TaskID].TaskStatus = Completedreturn nil} else if args.TaskCompletedStatus == ReduceTaskFailed {c.ReduceTasks[args.TaskID].TaskStatus = Failedreturn nil}return nil

3.3 Worker

3.3.1 Worker轮询


func Worker(mapf func(string, string) []KeyValue,reducef func(string, []string) string) {for {args := MessageSend{}reply := MessageReply{}call("Coordinator.RequestTask", &args, &reply)switch reply.TaskType {case MapTask:HandleMapTask(&reply, mapf)case ReduceTask:HandleReduceTask(&reply, reducef)case Wait:time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)case Exit:os.Exit(0)default:time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)}}
3.3.2 处理Map任务


func HandleMapTask(reply *MessageReply, mapf func(string, string) []KeyValue) {// open the filefile, err := os.Open(reply.TaskFile)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("cannot open %v", reply.TaskFile)return}// read the file, get the contentcontent, err := io.ReadAll(file)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("cannot read %v", reply.TaskFile)return}file.Close()// call the map function to get the key-value pairskva := mapf(reply.TaskFile, string(content))// create intermediate filesintermediate := make([][]KeyValue, reply.NReduce)for _, kv := range kva {r := ihash(kv.Key) % reply.NReduceintermediate[r] = append(intermediate[r], kv)}// write the intermediate filesfor r, kva := range intermediate {oname := fmt.Sprintf("mr-%v-%v", reply.TaskID, r)ofile, err := os.CreateTemp("", oname)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("cannot create tempfile %v", oname)}enc := json.NewEncoder(ofile)for _, kv := range kva {// write the key-value pairs to the intermediate fileenc.Encode(kv)}ofile.Close()// Atomic file renaming:rename the tempfile to the final intermediate fileos.Rename(ofile.Name(), oname)}// send the task completion message to the coordinatorargs := MessageSend{TaskID:              reply.TaskID,TaskCompletedStatus: MapTaskCompleted,}call("Coordinator.ReportTask", &args, &MessageReply{})
3.3.3 处理Reduce任务


// generate the intermediate files for reduce tasks
func generateFileName(r int, NMap int) []string {var fileName []stringfor TaskID := 0; TaskID < NMap; TaskID++ {fileName = append(fileName, fmt.Sprintf("mr-%d-%d", TaskID, r))}return fileName
}func HandleReduceTask(reply *MessageReply, reducef func(string, []string) string) {// load the intermediate filesvar intermediate []KeyValue// get the intermediate file namesintermediateFiles := generateFileName(reply.TaskID, reply.NMap)// fmt.Println(intermediateFiles)for _, filename := range intermediateFiles {file, err := os.Open(filename)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("cannot open %v", filename)return}// decode the intermediate filedec := json.NewDecoder(file)for {kv := KeyValue{}if err := dec.Decode(&kv); err == io.EOF {break}intermediate = append(intermediate, kv)}file.Close()}// sort the intermediate key-value pairs by keysort.Slice(intermediate, func(i, j int) bool {return intermediate[i].Key < intermediate[j].Key})// write the key-value pairs to the output fileoname := fmt.Sprintf("mr-out-%v", reply.TaskID)ofile, err := os.Create(oname)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("cannot create %v", oname)return}for i := 0; i < len(intermediate); {j := i + 1for j < len(intermediate) && intermediate[j].Key == intermediate[i].Key {j++}var values []stringfor k := i; k < j; k++ {values = append(values, intermediate[k].Value)}// call the reduce function to get the outputoutput := reducef(intermediate[i].Key, values)// write the key-value pairs to the output filefmt.Fprintf(ofile, "%v %v\n", intermediate[i].Key, output)i = j}ofile.Close()// rename the output file to the final output fileos.Rename(ofile.Name(), oname)// send the task completion message to the coordinatorargs := MessageSend{TaskID:              reply.TaskID,TaskCompletedStatus: ReduceTaskCompleted,}call("Coordinator.ReportTask", &args, &MessageReply{})

4 测试和常见问题

test-mr.sh为测试脚本,也可以通过运行sh n来运行 n n n次测试。

*** Starting wc test
--- wc test: PASS
*** Starting indexer test.
--- indexer test: PASS
*** Starting map parallelism test.
--- map parallelism test: PASS
*** Starting reduce parallelism test.
--- reduce parallelism test: PASS
*** Starting job count test.
--- job count test: PASS
*** Starting early exit test.
--- early exit test: PASS
*** Starting crash test.
--- crash test: PASS


  1. 不能通过job-count测试

    *** Starting job count test.
    --- map jobs ran incorrect number of times (10 != 8)
    --- job count test: FAIL






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