- Contains one or more nodes
- Managed by a master node
- Single server part of a cluster
- Types: Master-eligible, data, ingest, etc.
- Collection of documents with similar characteristics
- Managed by shards
OpenSearch 索引中的数据可以增长到巨大的比例。为了保持其可管理性,它被拆分为多个分片。每个 OpenSearch 分片都是一个 Apache Lucene 索引,每个单独的 Lucene 索引都包含 OpenSearch 索引中文档的子集。以这种方式拆分索引可以控制资源使用。Apache Lucene 索引的文档数量限制为 2,147,483,519 个。
- Single Lucene instance
- Holds part of an index's data
- Types: Primary and replica
- Basic unit of information
- Expressed in JSON format
- Smallest individual unit of data in a document
- Has a defined datatype
- Defines how a document and its fields are stored and indexed (定义文档及其字段的存储和索引方式)
Segment (段)
- An inverted index (倒排索引)
- Created when a new document is indexed (在为新文档编制索引时创建)
- Merged into larger segments over time
docker exec -it opensearch-node1 bash
#进入容器后,执行以下命令 bin/opensearch-plugin install analysis-smartcn
#file:/// 为压缩文件在容器中的位置 bin/opensearch-plugin install file:///
NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory
#缺少jar包,下载commons-logging-1.2.jar后复制到对应的目录(opensearch-node1为容器的名称) docker cp /data/openSearch/commons-logging-1.2.jar opensearch-node1:/usr/share/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-analysis-ik
分词插入数据时报错空指针 org.wltea.analyzer.dic.Dictionary.singleton._StopWords;
#进入docker容器 docker exec -it opensearch-node1 bash #查看/usr/share/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-analysis-ik/config是否存在,如果不存在的话 cd /usr/share/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-analysis-ik mkdir config chmod 755 #将opensearch-analysis-ik目录下的所有文件复制到config目录 cp -r /usr/share/opensearch/config/opensearch-analysis-ik/* /usr/share/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-analysis-ik/config
#本地通过 find 命令查找文件 find / -name "sonar-pmd-plugin-2.6.jar"
#本地通过 find 命令查找文件
find / -name "sonar-pmd-plugin-2.6.jar"
docker cp /data/openSearch/IKAnalyzer.cfg.xml opensearch-node1:/usr/share/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-analysis-ik/config
version: '3'
services:opensearch-node1:image: opensearchproject/opensearch:latestcontainer_name: opensearch-node1environment:- # Name the cluster- # Name the node that will run in this container- discovery.seed_hosts=opensearch-node1,opensearch-node2 # Nodes to look for when discovering the cluster- cluster.initial_cluster_manager_nodes=opensearch-node1,opensearch-node2 # Nodes eligibile to serve as cluster manager- bootstrap.memory_lock=true # Disable JVM heap memory swapping- "OPENSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m" # Set min and max JVM heap sizes to at least 50% of system RAM- "DISABLE_INSTALL_DEMO_CONFIG=true" # Prevents execution of bundled demo script which installs demo certificates and security configurations to OpenSearch- "DISABLE_SECURITY_PLUGIN=true" # Disables Security pluginulimits:memlock:soft: -1 # Set memlock to unlimited (no soft or hard limit)hard: -1nofile:soft: 65536 # Maximum number of open files for the opensearch user - set to at least 65536hard: 65536volumes:- opensearch-data1:/usr/share/opensearch/data # Creates volume called opensearch-data1 and mounts it to the containerports:- 9200:9200 # REST API- 9300:9300 # TCP API- 9600:9600 # Performance Analyzernetworks:- opensearch-net # All of the containers will join the same Docker bridge networkopensearch-node2:image: opensearchproject/opensearch:latestcontainer_name: opensearch-node2environment:- # Name the cluster- # Name the node that will run in this container- discovery.seed_hosts=opensearch-node1,opensearch-node2 # Nodes to look for when discovering the cluster- cluster.initial_cluster_manager_nodes=opensearch-node1,opensearch-node2 # Nodes eligibile to serve as cluster manager- bootstrap.memory_lock=true # Disable JVM heap memory swapping- "OPENSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m" # Set min and max JVM heap sizes to at least 50% of system RAM- "DISABLE_INSTALL_DEMO_CONFIG=true" # Prevents execution of bundled demo script which installs demo certificates and security configurations to OpenSearch- "DISABLE_SECURITY_PLUGIN=true" # Disables Security pluginulimits:memlock:soft: -1 # Set memlock to unlimited (no soft or hard limit)hard: -1nofile:soft: 65536 # Maximum number of open files for the opensearch user - set to at least 65536hard: 65536volumes:- opensearch-data2:/usr/share/opensearch/data # Creates volume called opensearch-data2 and mounts it to the containernetworks:- opensearch-net # All of the containers will join the same Docker bridge networkopensearch-dashboards:image: opensearchproject/opensearch-dashboards:latestcontainer_name: opensearch-dashboardsports:- 5601:5601 # Map host port 5601 to container port 5601expose:- "5601" # Expose port 5601 for web access to OpenSearch Dashboardsenvironment:- 'OPENSEARCH_HOSTS=["http://opensearch-node1:9200","http://opensearch-node2:9200"]'- "DISABLE_SECURITY_DASHBOARDS_PLUGIN=true" # disables security dashboards plugin in OpenSearch Dashboardsnetworks:- opensearch-netvolumes:opensearch-data1:opensearch-data2:networks:opensearch-net: