
news/2025/2/14 0:26:59/文章来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/bgzo/p/18714636

📌 Thinking

No emotion; no journal; less platitude

I have a habit of writing diaries in high school, to decrease the pressure and anxiety. So blog inherit it. As time going by, I realize I have to make a review of my life, in every single post, and it's really, kind of wasting time. Digging feeling or writing complain make every post like a toilet paper. Emotion and cliché may means a lot to the present, but less in the future[1].

No necessary to rewrite blog

You have to read old articles to find the mistakes one by one, even word alternatives, sentences order and font size or spaces. It's such a hell. So why not delete above all, then write a new one? Interestingly, this scenes sounds like Bojack Horseman wrote his first book[2]:


Show comments wontfix

  1. It's really due to lazy, maybe a while, more likely wouldn't.
  2. I want this design being a filter to tired words in readers. Sounds like GFW we known, actually it's true. This design would be a soft-wall said by haohailong[3]
  3. People die, but long live github.[4] However github is the third free services as well, like disqus, vercel or something else. I don't trust them, free forever? Don't lie, nothing is free, sometimes it paid more than given. Backup as schedule is more reliability, and find a more sensible platform. Alternative is, creating it.
  4. The function-added would be left to github, like action, comments, and more difficult problem in the future (;

Logs Reversed

  • 20250212
    • [Feat] Delete all thoughts and letters, move them to quartz and Obsidian.
    • [Feat] Microblog powered by TG added.
  • 20230109
    • [Feat] Update mathjax - npm library from version 2 to 3.
    • [Docs] Archived old article and add in this one.
  • 20230101
    • [Feat] Plugin jekyll-seo-tag supported.
  • 20221222
    • [Style] Modify the style of theme to solarized, mostly color of theme;
    • [Style] Add the table of contents and footnotes support;
    • [Style] Change emoji icon to normal icon for compatibility, using Favicon Generator[5];
    • [Feat] Add UNPKG CDN Support;
    • [Feat] Add back to the top named ikaros[6];
    • [Docs] Rewrite changelogs;
  • 20220521
    • Hosted by github issues with github action;
  • 20220121
    • Latex supported by MathJax;
    • Host by Vercel;
    • Details via: commit;
  • 20220104
    • The fifth blog using Jekyll build-in github;
    • [Style] Switch to theme imitating @dzhavat;
    • Details via: commit;
  • 20210607
    • [Broken] Delete the whole blog by accident in WSL, but you still could subscribe old article via rss link I archived;
    • [Style] Switch to Hugo-tailwind-journal;
  • 20210506
    • [Style] Site icon begin to use emoji[7];
  • 20210114
    • [Broken] Give up Censored MIIT (as ICP) absolutely;
  • 20210112
    • The forth blog using Hugo & theme-MemE;
  • 20200824
    • [Broken] Delete old github.io repo, there is no backup before. So the before blog would missing forever 😭
  • 20200901
    • [Broken] Switch directories and find notes suck, so give up note using github repo;
      • Appended at 221223: Actually using VSCode search could solve this problem. It's full-text search 🤩
  • 20200613
    • Switch theme to hexo-theme-Wikitten;
  • 20200605
    • The third blog using Typecho;
    • Images hosted by Chevereto
    • [Style] Modify theme using PHP;
  • 20200420
    • Domain change so register at MIIT (as ICP) again;
  • 20200402
    • [Style] Switch theme to aircloud;
  • 20200214
    • [Broken] Censored sucks. Give up CODING.NET;
  • 20200113
    • The second blog using WordPress;
  • 20200112
    • Register at MIIT (as ICP) in China;
  • 20191223
    • The first blog using Hexo;

The style I used

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See the Pen Untitled by bGZo (@bgzo)on CodePen.

See the Pen Hyperlink by bGZo (@bgzo)on CodePen.

  1. Basically I agree with magasa's answer, via: 哪個或哪些網絡用語最讓人反感? - 知乎; Wherever it was, native or foreign, cliché sucks, why not using a more concrete and clearer word to discuss? via: Cliché - Wikipedia or Platitude - Wikipedia. Since 20200501; ↩︎

  2. See sense via: BoJack Learns How Hard It Is to Write - BoJack Horseman - YouTube. "I feel like we can beat this font. Ah, Copperplate, a font for the truly modern man. Ha. No. There you are, Verdana. Oh, Comic Sans, you drunk, go home. 3:10? I just spent six hours playing with fonts? Holy shit!" Generally, every decision is hard and diversity but not matters. Since 20210607; ↩︎

  3. "一個很自然的便捷度區分出現了:備案或白名單網站只需要點擊一次就可以查看;非備案或非白名單網站(如很多國際網站)需要多點擊一次。僅僅這一點,恐怕就可以讓很多人放棄訪問這個頁面(因爲便捷度彈性高)。何況這個跳轉頁面有意無意間說到了「風險」兩個字,無疑又會阻止一部分人。", via: 軟牆 - 郝海龍 ↩︎

  4. As laike9m said, "對抗死亡是人類文明的永恆主題,而我們已經實現了階段性勝利。現在是文章、照片、視頻,也許還有以個人習慣作爲輸入訓練的模型。再往後呢?會不會有基因信息,乃至意識的完整複製呢?依託於穩定的存儲,我們能做的事情實在太多了。". via: People Die, but Long Live GitHub - laike9m's blog; ↩︎

  5. 全平臺 Favicon 在線生成器 – RealFaviconGenerator.net – 鏡態極研; ↩︎

  6. Heaven's Lost Property - Wikipedia; ↩︎

  7. Emojis as favicons; ↩︎





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